Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Incremental or Radical Change?


As many of you are aware, I am trying to compile information about "non-traditional,"/"alternative" forms of complementary Jewish education. We want to publish this information in conjunction with our regular publication about "traditional" school change models/projects.

Knowing that you are trusted and loyal professional colleagues and are not the types to withhold information, I turn to you with the following observation and question: It appears to me that the models of which I am aware fall squarely in the category of incremental changes in the status quo. They take one defining criterion of this type of Jewish education, e.g., curriculum, and attempt something new.

My question is, "Are there any radical, totally "break the paradigm" models out there? If not, why not? Are we headed in that direction? Surely you are aware that there are funders and some very loud, public voices out there clamoring for radical change. Where are we headed?

Please share your thoughts.

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